apple removes 1000 featureless app

Sliced Apples.
Apple - Support - iPad - Applications Assistant.
TidBITS: Printing Digital Photos, Part 2.
apple removes 1000 featureless app
$999.99 “I Am Rich” pulled from iPhone App Store – Boing Boing Gadgets.
Another iPhone application slashed from App Store - Gamers Republic.
apple removes 1000 featureless app
webSPELL v4 - Forum » Main Board » Cheap Christian Louboutin.Patent EP1646954A1 - Systems and methods for interfacing.
Aug 8, 2008. 5 Apps to Guarantee an Awesome Summer Road Trip ... Apple removes $1,000 featureless iPhone application [LA Times]. Also read:.
Aug 11, 2008. Armin Heinrich's “I Am Rich” iPhone application was contentious, to say the. Apple removes $1,000 featureless iPhone application [LA Times].
Mac App Store Very Promising But With Restrictions [Archive.
Patent WO2005029363A1 - Systems and methods for interfacing.
Page 1 of comments on Apple iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Systems and methods for interfacing application programs with an .. "folder" are interchangeable, and early Apple computer systems (e.g., the Apple He) used the ... and thus an Item would have to be completely featureless in order not to be a .. When all holding relationships to an Item are removed, the Item is deleted.
Aug 8, 2008. The $1,000 application on Apple's App Store, which lets people know how rich you are simply for buying it, has been removed without.
Another iPhone application slashed from App Store by Dan Moren. Apple removes $1,000 featureless iPhone application · Mobile.